Weebly Website

Prior to starting the course I set myself up with the free website I am using now. I am not a professional and have no need to have a paid for site. I had absolutely no idea how to build a website from scratch but I have since used this website as a workspace for both my OCA DPP Level One coursework and some personal work. For this project I decided to create another website using Weebly again (you are allowed 2 free websites ) and I am now relatively competent using their site building system. There are a wide variety of free themes that are available to use and I chose a black theme for my first website. As the site grew I found adding text to the black background a real pain , I had to keep highlighting it and altering the colour. I also wished I had chosen a more simple and clean looking sight. Hence this project gave me the perfect chance to create a site that could be a better showcase for my work and I have chosen a simple white minimalist theme.

The images uploaded to the site are jpegs 900 x 600 pixels with a resolution of 72ppi exported from Lightroom, making them quick to upload. I additionally applied output sharpening for the  screen. Looking at them on screen they seem ok to view.  

I initially added a slideshow but finally preferred the simple lay out I have chosen. This may change , and the site can be updated and altered as much or as little as I choose. 

Click on the link below to see my new Website. 


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